Ahead of the Annual General Meeting on 16 March 2016, the Nominating Committee of Axfood Aktiebolag (publ) proposes the re-election of board members Antonia Ax:son Johnson, Caroline Berg, Ann Carlsson and Lars Olofsson, and new election of Fabian Bengtsson and Mia Brunell Livfors.
Board members Fredrik Persson, Odd Reitan and Peggy Bruzelius have declined re-election.
Fabian Bengtsson (b. 1972) studied economics at Lund University. He has extensive experience in retailing and digital trade from the SIBA group, where he served as President during the years 2001–2014, and from NetOnNet AB, where he served as Chairman during the years 2012–2015. Prior to this, Fabian Bengtsson held numerous executive positions in the SIBA group and was a board member and Chairman of CE-Konsumentelektronikbranschen AB. Fabian Bengtsson is currently a director on the boards of NetOnNet Group Aktiebolag, Waldir Aktiebolag and Aktiebolaget Remvassen.
Mia Brunell Livfors (b. 1965) studied economics at Stockholm University. She is President and CEO of Axel Johnson Aktiebolag and a co-opted member Axfood’s board. Mia Brunell Livfors was formerly President of Investment AB Kinnevik and has many years of experience from board work in listed Swedish companies. She is currently Chairman of Axstores AB and a director of Martin & Servera Aktiebolag, Axel Johnson International Aktiebolag, Stena Aktiebolag and Efva Attling Stockholm Aktiebolag.
Mia Brunell Livfors is proposed for election as Chairman of the Board of Axfood Aktiebolag (publ).
The Nominating Committee ahead of the 2016 Annual General Meeting had the following composition: Caroline Berg, Axel Johnson AB (committee chair); Magnus Reitan, Reitangruppen AS; Johan Strandberg, SEB funds; Tomas Hedberg, Swedbank Robur funds; and Jonas Hillhammar, Axfood’s Shareholder Association
The Nominating Committee’s members represent shareholders who together hold approximately 70% of all votes in the Company.
The Nominating Committee’s complete proposal – including recommendations for a chairman to preside over the Annual General Meeting, election of auditors, directors’ and auditors’ fees, reasoned statement and information about the proposed board members, and guidelines for appointment of the Nominating Committee – is available at www.axfood.se.
The Annual General Meeting of Axfood Aktiebolag (publ) will be held on at 5 p.m. on Wednesday, 16 March 2016, at Clarion Hotel Sign, Stockholm.
For further information, please contact:
Caroline Berg, Axel Johnson AB, Nominating Committee chair: +46-8-701 61 00
Karin Hygrell-Jonsson, CFO, Axfood AB: +46-70-662 69 70
The information in this press release is such that Axfood is required to disclose in accordance with the Securities Market Act, the Financial Instruments Trading Act, or requirements made in the stock exchange’s rules for issuers. Submitted for publication at 08.00 a.m. (CET) on 10 February 2016.
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Axfood aspires to be the leader in affordable, good and sustainable food. Our family of companies includes the store chains Willys, Hemköp and City Gross as well as Tempo, Handlar’n and Matöppet. B2B sales are handled through Snabbgross, and our support company Dagab is responsible for the Group's product development, purchasing and logistics. The Axfood family also includes Urban Deli as well as the partly owned companies Apohem and Eurocash. Together the Group has more than 15,000 employees and sales of more than SEK 80 billion. Axfood has been listed on Nasdaq Stockholm since 1997, and the principal owner is Axel Johnson AB. Read more at www.axfood.com.