Annual General Meeting
Axfood's supreme governing body is the Annual General Meeting, where every shareholder has a right to participate. All shareholders have the right to have a matter taken up for consideration by the AGM.
The AGM's duties include, among other things:
- electing the Company's board and the Chairman of the Board
- adopting the Company's balance sheets and income statements
- deciding and appropriating the result of the Company's business
- deciding on whether to grant discharge of liability to the members of the Board of Directors and the CEO
- deciding on the auditors' fees
- approving the principles of compensation and other terms of employment for the Company's management.
Further, the AGM's duties can also include:
- deciding on increases or decreases in share capital
- electing the Company's auditor
- making amendments to the Company's Articles of Association.
At the AGM, every shareholder, as a main rule, has the right to vote for all of his or her shares. No limits on shareholders’ rights are stipulated in Axfood’s Articles of Association.
Decisions by the AGM are made by simple majority of available votes. However, to protect the interests of small shareholders, certain decisions must be made by a qualified majority of the available votes and shares represented at the meeting. In addition, as a general minority protection rule, the AGM may not make decisions that can improperly benefit certain shareholders over others, to the detriment of the Company or other shareholders.
Annual General Meeting 2025
Axfood’s 2025 AGM will be held on 19 March 2025 in Stockholm.
Shareholders who wish to have a matter considered at the Meeting shall make a written request to the Board of Directors via e-mail to arsstamma@axfood.se or to the following address:
Axfood AB
Att: Axfoods Chefsjurist/Axfood's General Counsel
SE-107 69 Stockholm
The proposal should be received no later than 29 January 2025 in order for the matter to be included in the notice and agenda of the Meeting.
Annual General Meeting 2024
Axfood’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) was held on 20 March 2024 in Stockholm.

Archive Annual General Meetings