Sustainable suppliers
We will work to improve the working and living conditions for employees and growers throughout the supply chain. This is a major challenge, since the supply chains are complex and exist in widely differing countries.
Food must be produced in a socially sustainable way. By placing demands on our suppliers with respect to safety, quality, the environment and social responsibility, we are ensuring that growers and workers have good working terms and conditions. The Axfood Group Code of Conduct lays the foundation for this work and is based on internationally recognized conventions on human rights, working conditions, the environment and anti-corruption.
A few leaps toward sustainable supply chains:
- All of our suppliers are required to sign our Code of Conduct, which addresses human rights, work environments, the environment and anti-corruption
- Together with Oxfam we are conducting a project that provides opportunities for small farmers in Pakistan to raise their incomes
- For a number of years we have been working to improve the working conditions for migrant workers in Thailand