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Consumer contact

Welcome to contact us if you have questions or complaints about our own brands or other products marketed by Axfood.

How can we help you?

1. Product information

In order for us to be able to find out what has happened, we request that you fill in as much information as possible. If Axfood’s name is not on the product, it is likely not one of our own private label products. For the best guidance, please contact the store where you purchased the product or the supplier, if contact information is provided on the package.

2. Message

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3. Contact info

1. Message

Does it apply to a specific product?
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2. Contact information

Complaint or question? Please use contact form above

You can also reach us by phone 0771-87 67 70 (opening hours Monday-Friday 10-12)

Puchases of goods from Dagab: If your errand concerns company purchases of goods at Dagab, please click here.

Phone Axfood (switchboard): 08-553 990 00