Axfood invites analysts, investors and the press to a Capital Markets Day to be held on 16 December 2021.

Axfood invites analysts, investors and the press to a Capital Markets Day to be held on 16 December 2021.
The Capital Markets Day will be held at Axfood’s Head Office, Solnavägen 4 in Stockholm. Lunch will be served from 12.00 p.m. (CET). The event will start at 1.00 p.m. (CET) and is estimated to end at 4.30 p.m. (CET), followed by a mingle.
The purpose with the Capital Markets Day is to provide an update of Axfood’s long term strategy and financial targets. Focus will be on the development for the Group’s various businesses and strategic initiatives within areas such as logistics and automation, IT, digital development, e-commerce and sustainability. Presentations will be held by members of the Executive Committee and participants will be given the opportunity to ask questions.
Register to the Capital Markets Day by sending an e-mail to An agenda and more detailed information will be published on Axfood’s website. The Capital Markets Day can also be followed live on Axfood’s website and a recording will be made available after the event.
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Axfood aspires to be the leader in affordable, good and sustainable food. Our family of companies includes the store chains Willys, Hemköp and City Gross as well as Tempo, Handlar’n and Matöppet. B2B sales are handled through Snabbgross, and our support company Dagab is responsible for the Group's product development, purchasing and logistics. The Axfood family also includes Urban Deli as well as the partly owned companies Apohem and Eurocash. Together the Group has more than 15,000 employees and sales of more than SEK 80 billion. Axfood has been listed on Nasdaq Stockholm since 1997, and the principal owner is Axel Johnson AB. Read more at