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Swedish Competition Authority approves Axfood’s planned acquisition of Matse Holding

23 January 2017

The Swedish Competition Authority decided on 23 January 2017 to take no further action with respect to Axfood Aktiebolag (publ)’s (“Axfood”) planned acquisition of Matse Holding AB (publ) (“Matse”).

On 15 December 2016 Axfood announced that it had made a cash offer to the shareholders of Matse to acquire all of the shares in Matse (“the Offer”). The offer document pertaining to the Offer was made public on 20 December 2016.

Execution of the Offer is conditional upon, among other things, that Axfood receives approval from the Swedish Competition Authority, which has now been achieved.

The Acceptance Period for the Offer runs through 23 January 2017. The settlement date is expected to be 30 January 2017. Axfood has retained the right to extend the Acceptance Period as well as postpone the point in time for reporting of the proceeds.