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Continued good growth with exceptional profitability

15 July 2016

Summary of second quarter 2016

  • Consolidated net sales amounted to SEK 10,991 m (10,478), an increase of 4.9%. 
    - Retail sales for Group-owned stores increased by 3.1%. 
    - Like-for-like sales for Group-owned stores increased by 0.9%. 
  • Operating profit for the period was SEK 494 m (431), corresponding to an operating margin of 4.5% (4.1%). 
  • Profit after financial items was SEK 493 m (429) for the period. 
  • Net profit for the period was SEK 384 m (334), and earnings per share were SEK 1.83 (1.59). 
  • Axfood expects operating profit for 2016 to exceed profit for 2015.

Summary of interim period January-June 2016

  • Consolidated net sales amounted to SEK 21,386 m (20,044), an increase of 6.7%. 
    - Retail sales for Group-owned stores increased by 5.4%. 
    - Like-for-like sales for Group-owned stores increased by 3.0%. 
  • Operating profit for the period was SEK 902 m (760), corresponding to an operating margin of 4.2% (3.8%). 
  • Profit after financial items was SEK 898 m for the period (757). 
  • Net profit for the period was SEK 700 m (590), and earnings per share were SEK 3.34 (2.81).

Welcome to the audio cast on Friday July 15, at 2:00 pm CET, when Anders Strålman and Karin Hygrell-Jonsson present the second quarter 2016. The audio cast can also be listened to at
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